“Ας μιλήσουμε!”: Συζητώντας για το Θεατρικό Παιχνίδι…

Πάνε αρκετά χρόνια από τότε που ανήρτησα τελευταία φορά στο thedramagames και κοινοποίησα την ταινία μικρού μηκούς που δημιούργησα για ακαδημαϊκούς σκοπούς· μια ταινία επηρεασμένη από την αλληγορία του σπηλαίου του Πλάτωνα και τα Μ.Μ.Ε. Σήμερα, θα ήθελα να μοιραστώ μαζί σας κάτι διαφορετικό…

Προς το τέλος των σπουδών μου στο The American College of Greece – DEREE (2016), μία καλή μου φίλη από την σχολή με πιάνει μία μέρα και μου λέει: “Βάσω, στο πλαίσιο ενός μαθήματος δημοσιογραφίας που παρακολούθω αυτό το εξάμηνο, χρειάζεται να γράψω ένα άρθρο και το θέμα με το οποίο θα ήθελα να ασχοληθώ είναι το θεατρικό παιχνίδι. Είσαι ο μόνος άνθρωπος από τον κύκλο μου που ξέρω ότι ασχολείται με αυτό και θα ήθελα να κάνουμε μία χαλαρή συζήτηση σχετικά με το πώς ξεκίνησες το θεατρικό παιχνίδι και τι σημαίνει για εσένα. Αν δεν σε πειράζει κι όλας, θα ήθελα να την μαγνητοφωνήσω σαν αρχείο.” Χωρίς να το πολυσκεφτώ απάντησα: “Μα φυσικά! Και το συζητάς? Ας μιλήσουμε!”

Απολαύστε την συνέχεια…

A Conversation with my Drama Games Encourager & Mentor

So far, we’ve already established what drama games are and I have presented some of the exercises and performances I’ve done with my group yet in this post I’d like to speak about a conversation I had with my drama games mentor Aphrodite Parzakoni, Director, Drama Teacher & Drama Games Encourager. During that conversation, she explained how she was introduced to theatre games, what they are to her now, what drama games can do for a person and many more things which I find very interesting, thus I’d like to share them with you.

Αφροδίτη Παρζακώνη, Afroditi Parzakoni2Aphrodite started her professional career with several jobs seemingly irelevant, with theatre games. From studying logistics at Saint George University and jumping from one art school to another, until she finally settled in the department of pre-school education. Then, as if by magic, she discovered drama games in a 4 day seminar where she attended a lecture by a “man with an incredible aura”, professor Lakis Kouretzis, the man who invented the Theatre/Drama Games experiential method or else “Playing through Theatre” and introduced it in Greece.

That was the time when mesmerized by Lakis Kouretzis’ lecture she decided that she definitely needed to come in touch with that person. With the encouragement of her mother she started studying theatre games however she did not uncover the magic of that first lecture, until her final year of studies.

Αφροδίτη Παρζακώνη, Afroditi ParzakoniHer ultimate commitment to drama games was established through an act she performed during the Holy days of Easter in 1995 when she revealed her passion on stage in the company of a “green ribbon”, one that binds her, body and soul to the theatre games to this very day.

But what are drama games for her really? Continue reading

Key benefits of drama games through my eyes!

The Drama Games Workshop Participants

The Drama Games Workshop Participants

The reason why I made in my previous post an informative synopsis about what theatre games are, was because I wanted to establish a common ground for everyone. Since, all of us “speak the same language”, I would like to share with you with more details what are the key benefits of drama games through my own personal experience from the past four years that I have been participating in a Theatre Games Workshop. Continue reading