How creativity and imagination can be translated on stage?

Hey Drama Games Friends!

Since in the previous post we discussed about the key benefits that a group member can acquire from a Drama Games Workshop, it is now time to actually show how he/she translates his/her creativity and imagination on stage! Today I would like to share with you a video which illustrates other group participants and me conducting a homework assignment given by our Drama Games teacher, Aphrodite Parzakoni.

The guidelines were the following:


“RING: Where resistance can be defined in rounds…”

  • Who are those that will fight with each other?
  • Are there referees?
  • Are there viewers? And if yes, who are they?
  • How many rounds?
  • What is the final score? Is there a winner?
  • Usage possibility of individual improvisations that performed inside the workshop
    • “Facing something that exists beyond me”
    • “Facing something that breaths next to me”
    • “Facing something that lives inside me”
  • Usage and manipulation possibility of scripts (ex. theatrical plays, poetry, fairy tales, literature) – NOT NECESSARY
  • Usage possibility of 13 keys of theatrical convention’s development
  1. Logos, Reason
  2. Script
  3. Pantomime
  4. Gesture
  5. Movement
  6. Hairdo
  7. Costumes
  8. Make-up
  9. Stage Design
  10. Props
  11. Sound
  12. Music
  13. Lighting
  14. Technology (recently added)


My subgroup, after exchanging ideas on how to execute the homework assignment, we concluded that we wanted to depict the Freudian id, ego and superego. In a few words, in case someone doesn’t know the psychoanalytic theory on personality, Freud supported that human beings have three levels of consciousness: unconscious, conscious and preconscious. Personality, therefore, should balance among id,  ego and superego. id ego superego, Freud, Psychoanalysis, PersonalityId is the fully unconscious part of our personality, the selfish beast. It has all life (libido; sexual and aggressive motives) and death insticts, pleasure principle, which seeks immediate satisfaction, fullfillment, and gratification, and primary process thinking (wish-fullfilling image of desired object through imagination or dreaming). Ego, is the conscious part of our personality that we are aware of, in what we actually act; the executive of personality. Ruled by reality principle and standing in the middle, it actually acts as a mediator between id and ego by protecting both of them and controlling id against restrictions of superego. Superego, only partially conscious, is the part of our personality, the conscience and ego ideal. It serves as a a censor on the ego functions and comprises the individual’s ideals deriving from the values of his/her family and society, being the source of guilty feelings and fear of punishment. It includes all moral restrictions and ideal perfection; punishment creates moral inhibitions (conscience), rewards create standars of perfect conduct (ego ideal).

Thus, in the video we portray the constant struggle between id and superego and the negotiation of ego.

P.S: The camera before the end of the video, unfortunately, lost its focus because of strobe light. The replica,dummy was replaced by a real group participant, who, as acting ego, was hugged with the other two that acting superego and id.

What do you think of it?

7 thoughts on “How creativity and imagination can be translated on stage?

  1. This looks like a stunning representation of the Freudian theory of “self”, actualized through the drama games! As I understood, the drama games can be used also as a means to beautifully and uniquely visualize concepts based on theoretical principles!

    Liked by 1 person

    • That’s right Leo! Drama games give you numerous ways of expressing pretty much everything, that concerns someone, even concepts based on theoretical principles, like this one of Freudian theory of “self”! 🙂


  2. Your theatrical transformation of Freud’s elements of the human consciousness, achieves not merely piercing the viewers eyes on stage but also within themselves. Despite the camera error at the end (which might even be perceived as a cinematic coda) the concept is incredibly intriguing. After all, according to the Freudian theory this ring exists within us all. Your play is a firm reminder of that and offers ample opportunities for contemplation and introspection alike.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much Dr. Caligari! Indeed, “this ring” that Freud expressed it with the “three levels of consciousness” exists within all of us. As I have replied in another post’s comment “Easter: The Passage from Death to Rebirth”, I believe that the state of “happiness” equals the state of “equilibrium” or “balance”! “All in good measure, all in moderation: moderation is the best thing”. And our ego is the one that has to play that role! But sometimes, I personally believe we need to exceed this state of “moderation”, just to remind ourselves that we are alive with “passions”! 😀


  3. Pingback: A Conversation with my Drama Games Mentor | The Drama Games

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